How To Do People's Makeup
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How To Do People’s Makeup: BASIC MAKE-UP TIPS

Makeup is an art. Not everyone can do it properly. If you are trying to pursue your career in the makeup industry, you must love doing makeup for yourself and your friends and family. I am sure that some of you used to play with your mom’s makeup and apply them to your face as a child? So whether you are doing your makeup for yourself or others, it’s important to know the basics, which cosmetic products will suit your skin and color. But imagine if you have to do someone else’s makeup. One mistake, and they will get angry with you. Becoming a professional makeup artist takes a lot more than just simply knowing products and shades. That’s right, it’s not that easy doing makeup. There are so many products with so many different shades and colors to choose from that even professional makeup artists get confused sometimes. But don’t worry, we are here to help you out. Read this article to learn how to do people’s makeup.

How to do people’s makeup

How To Do People's Makeup

Here are some basic steps of how to do people’s makeup:

Wash your hands before applying any makeup

This is the basic rule of doing any makeup, whether you are doing it for yourself or others. It’s absolutely a ‘NO’ to apply any makeup products without washing your hands properly. Since our hands contain many germs and bacteria that can be transmitted through skin to skin touch. And our face is the most open area through which all the bacterias and viruses get into our body. That’s why it’s vital to wash your hands before applying any makeup.

Remove any old makeup with a face wash

Cleaning only your hand will not do the trick. You also have to clean their face properly using a face wash. In case they have already put their makeup on and so you cannot apply a new layer of makeup on the old layer of makeup. The foundation will not blend properly, and it will look patchy or caked. So use a good foaming face wash to clean a face and remove all the old makeup products. You can also use makeup removers or baby oil to remove the makeup. One thing to be noted is that after washing their face with a face wash or after using any makeup remover, make sure to apply a moisturizer, or else the face will get very dry.

Communicate with your customer for how to do people’s makeup

When you are a professional makeup artist, it’s very important to create a proper bond between you and that other person. Otherwise, you will not know the person sitting in front of you for their makeover. Knowing the person and their body shapes, skin allergies (if they have any), skin types, colors and skin textures will help you to choose the best products for their skin. That way, the makeup will look even more natural and beautiful. This is one of the important tips on how to do people’s makeup.

how to do people’s makeup? Set the base for the foundation

It’s a must rule that no professional makeup artist would ever break. Applying foundation without setting the base first. You need to first apply primer before you go and apply foundation. Primers set the base for the foundation so that the foundation can stay on the face for longer and your pores don’t get clogged up. It’s very important to choose the right primer for different skin types. For instance, if they have a very dry to normal skin type, then a liquid primer will do justice.

Apply the right shade of foundation

Once you have set the base, it’s time to apply some foundation. Everyone’s skin shade is different. And these skin shades can go from dark chocolate brown to ivory white.

That is why every makeup brand launches hundreds of different skin shades for its foundation. It’s very important to choose the right foundation shade. Not only that, but also there are various types of foundation for different types of skins. For instance, if they have a very oily skin texture, you should apply a powder-based foundation or a foundation stick. Apply the foundation in the face, neck, and on both ears and completely blend them out using a Beauty blender or a foundation brush or with your fingertips. Here at Vizio Makeup Academy, we offer a full learning course on how to apply foundation on others’ faces perfectly.

Apply concealer

Another tip on how to do people’s makeup is always to apply a concealer after applying foundation. A concealer’s job is to cover all the bad spots, acne marks, and redness on your face. Apply concealer under the eyes to hide dark circles. Blend them out with fingertips or with beauty blenders. Don’t apply too much pressure under the eyes when applying concealer. Just small dabs will do the trick.

Line the eyebrows

Once the concealer is all set, the next thing you need to do is to move to their eyes. Many people have small eyebrows for uneven eyebrows that need some fixing. You need to choose the eyebrow color that matches your hair. Outline the edges of the brows and fill the insides with colors. Then blend them a little to give a more natural eyebrow look.

Do the eye makeup

Doing the eye makeup of someone else is the hardest part. First, apply the eyeshadow, then eyeliner, and after that use mascara. These are the three rules of doing any eye makeup. When doing people’s eye makeup, there are so many different eye makeup that you can try according to their preference. If your customer wants smokey eye makeup or very nude and natural eye makeup, then you have to use different eyeshadow colors and mix them to create that perfect look.

Create a fuller lip to finish off the look

As they say, “lipstick is a girl’s best friend”. The lipstick alone can change your entire look, and without it, you cannot complete the makeup. Lipsticks can make the lips fuller or thinner. First outline the lips using a lip liner and then apply the perfect matte lipstick. To apply lipstick properly, first start from the upper lips and go to Cupid’s bow outwards, then on the lower lips inwards.

These are the steps on how to do people’s makeup

These are all very important steps of how to do people’s makeup. In Vizio Makeup Academy, you can learn more about how to do people’s makeup properly and create different looks for different occasions. Learn from the industry’s best makeup artists and get an original certificate. Enroll today.

Picture of Anastasia Andreani
Anastasia Andreani
For over 10 years, Anastasia Andreani has been dedicated to providing individuals with the tools they need to look and feel their best. From her esthetics license and certifications from renowned organizations, plus a business degree in hand - she imparts helpful makeup wisdom, enabling everyone to reach their full potential!